Coming soon : eligibility requests form 2022.
The eligibility request form for the Alsace Rallye Festival 2022
will be available soon on this site.
The amount of entries is limited to 150. The entries will be handled in their order of arrival by a jury compound of the members of the bureau of Slowly Sideways France. Every candidate will be informed about the status of their request.will be available soon on this site.
The selected candidate will receive by e-mail the definitive entry which will have to be returned by mail with the requested documents and the payment of the fees. The entry is validated only by receipt of the fees.
We advise you to be the most precise as possible in the description of the vehicle; two pictures of the vehicle are compulsory as well as a picture of the time of the model. The outside aspect of the vehicle has to be in compliance with its configuration of time, in particular as regards the decoration and the affixed stickers.
Please contact us by e-mail for any questions.